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Site Updates

10/09/08 - Thanks for being patient, those of you that have been waiting for an update for 3 years! Massive changes this month with lyrics, chords, sounds, layout and more being updated.
15/12/05 - A bit of a refresher to the site. Lyrics and Chords sections updated. Now settled in Australia so things will be moving soon!
26/08/05 - Overhaul of site finished.
08/02/05 - After a long absence the site is bang up-to-date. See News section for all the updates. New CD this month too!!
15/10/04 - Once again check out the News section for yet more exciting news!
04/09/04 - Check out News section for very exciting news!
07/08/04 - Lyrics section & Chords & Tabs section updated.
09/07/04 - Lyrics section updated.

Works In Progress...

Sundried Parsnips
Penguins With Hammers
How Is This The Last Time?

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